Emissions must be cut by at least


in the coming years to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels

Failure to implement Goal 13 will result in: 

  • climate change leading to extreme weather conditions such as droughts, floods and storms, which will in turn impact our health, the environment and the economy;
  • increased greenhouse gas emissions; rising temperatures on Earth, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and loss of biodiversity.

Currently, according to the IPCC report, if we do not take action to combat climate change, the average temperature on Earth could increase by 3.2°C by the end of the 21st century.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 7 million people worldwide die annually from air pollution, which is partly caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2019 were approximately 36.4 billion tons. This is 50% more than in 1990.

According to the international climate change agency (IPCC), sea levels may rise by 0.26-0.77 meters by 2100 compared to levels in 1986-2005.

About 80% of global marine pollution comes from land, and garbage vortices such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch cover an area of about 1.6 million square kilometers.