million people suffer from hunger
9.2% of the world's population
122 mln
more than in 2019
Failure to successfully meet targets set up in Goal 2 will deepen:
- food deficiency leading to malnutrition, nutrient deficiency diseases and stunted physical and mental development, especially in children;
- environmental degradation due to inappropriate agricultural practices such as excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, deforestation and over-exploitation of natural resources.
According to 2019 data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):
- approximately 9.9% of the world's population suffers from malnutrition;
- in Sub-Saharan Africa it reaches about 23.2% of population;
- in South Asia about 14.3%;
- in Latin America and the Caribbean: approximately 7.4% of population;
- in East Asia and the Pacific about 6.5% of population is affected by malnutrition.