4 out of 5

countries, COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on education, causing gaps in learning


(out of 104 surveyed countries)

1 in 6

countries will achieve the goal of universal secondary school completion by 2030


84 mln

children and young people will still not 
attend school


300 mln

students will lack basic
numeracy skills

Failure to successfully meet targets set up in Goal 4 will further lead to increase of : 

  • lack of access to education worldwide,
  • unequal opportunities for intellectual development and skills for children and young people,
  • social and economic inequalities,
  • emergence of social and economic inequalities, which in turn may affect the stability of societies and peace in the world.

Currently, 120 million of children around the world do not go to school, 57 million of children have no access to primary education and 63 million to secondary education. According to the Education for All Global MonitoringReport published by UNESCO, approximately 781 million adults are illiterate.